In April, I, along with a group of missionaries from Reach, will be heading to P@kistan, Nepal, and India. Today, we have the privilege of being the embrace, the care, and the empowerment for our brothers and sisters living in areas with limited access to the gospel.

Our calling? To make disciples who reflect the character of Jesus, from here to the most distant and isolated places.

In the past year alone, more than 40 local missionaries have been trained, and 15 churches have been planted in these regions.

We invite you to join us in prayer, strategic planning, and financial support. We need to raise $ 3200,00 for each ticket and travel expenses.

Above all, please pray for protection and guidance. We will be visiting remote villages and peoples who have yet to hear the precious gospel of Christ.

We will remain steadfast until everyone hears. And we invite you to be part of this mission!


Fundraising Goal

USD 0.00
USD 3,200.00
* O valor arrecadado considera todas as doações quitadas e efetivamente recebidas pela instituição.
* O valor de sua doação será computado em até 24 horas após a quitação da doação.

Donate now

* Minimum amount USD 50.00
USD 0.00

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* The charge in your credit card may differ due to banking fees or the exchange rate used by the card issuer.

About the Institution


To disciple local leaders in a Christ-centered way to plant healthy churches in areas with a lower Christian presence.


To direct resources and collective efforts of missionaries, churches, and entrepreneurs to form Christ in local leaders, aiming to reach all nations until the Kingdom of God is fully established.


  • Transparency
  • Kingdom Ethics
  • Excellence
  • Stewardship
  • Christocentrism
  • Long Journey in the Same Direction
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Creativity

Our Approach

As Jesus did, we do.

We walk a long journey.

We prioritize the locations.

We go to the ends of the earth.

We work until the return of the King.

How Can You Get Involved?

You can adopt a local missionary, support them, and pray for them and their family. All of our missionaries undergo a screening process and are cared for and supported for at least three (3) years. We don’t reinvent the wheel; we simply follow what Jesus taught us, empowering, shepherding, and guiding with entrepreneurial solutions.

Ways to Participate

  • Adopt a missionary: support and pray for them and their family.
  • Get to know the field: participate in field reconnaissance trips, which will be available next year.
  • Offer entrepreneurial solutions: collaborate with ideas and projects for areas with limited access to the gospel.

If you prefer, donate to the Reach International account in the USA


Account number: 4460 5441 7834

Routing Number: 052001633

Title on Account: Reach Internacional Corporation

Zelle: [email protected]

Swift Code: BOFAUS3N

*After your donation, if possible, please send us the receipt to the email [email protected].

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